Friends Group

Our Mission is to help create a Community Forest that is rich in wildlife, and to protect species both common and rare in the forest.

We want the woodland managed to the highest standard, as a healthy environment is important for the enjoyment of the public who use the Nature Reserve.

The Friends of Blackley Forest Group was formed in 1999

 Manchester City Council manages the forest and helps support the Friends Group

Our Vision is to be the leading campaign group for nature conservation in the forest. We want to encourage visitors and organised groups to understand the need for wildlife and its habitats to be conserved and maintained.

The Friends Group helps the council by:

The Friends group is currently doing a recruitment drive. We are getting short of members to help out at litter picking, balsam pulling, helping out at volunteer days, attending meetings, etc. If you want any details, please email for more information.

National Owl Monitoring Scheme

Blackley Forest Nature Reserve is part of the National Owl Monitoring scheme.

We have put up over 35 nest boxes for owls and a wide variety of species of birds.

Memorial Garden

We have planted a Memorial Garden with  approximately 38 trees along the edge of the "top meadow" field.

The garden is dedicated to our brave local soldiers who did not return from fighting in the Second World War.

Feeding Station

A feeding station has been created with a viewing screen which was built by the apprentices from Manchester Working.  It can be visited from the Victoria Avenue entrance.

Click here to see more photographs.