Forest Events

 Photo: Sarah Griffiths

Volunteers Required!
Check back here for next clearing and tidying sessions! Many hands make light work - but it's fun too so please join us!


Greater Manchester Local Record Centre Events

For more  details and a range of other activities from BioBlitz to garden parties, moth parties & more 

click here to visit the GM LRC website.


Treestation is a social enterprise in arboriculture, wood fuels and sawn timber. 

If you'd like to know more about wood-burning stoves, biomass boilers, coppice crafts and chainsaw carving, pop along to one of their open days at their site in West Gorton. 

click here to visit their website.

Photo: Sarah Griffiths

Click HERE to see the Friends at Play with photos of our many family events!


We hold our Remembrance Day each year on 11 November (or nearest weekday).  This annual event is in conjunction with pupils and staff from Bowker Vale School and is held on the top meadow of the forest.

Health Walks

Due to a lack of interest, we no longer hold the monthly health walks. 

Some of the paths can be muddy or slippy so please wear appropriate footwear.